Thursday, January 27, 2011

Random Thoughts...

I am sitting here, it is 1:30 in the afternoon and I have a million thoughts running through my head.

1. I drove by our new house we are having built. They are putting the windows in, and then I expect tomorrow, they will be starting the roof. It has gone by so quickly, even though a few weeks ago, it seemed like it was taking forever. In just about 10 weeks, we will be homeowners again. It has been 8 years since we lost our house in Sheridan. The mold caused the problem and it was far too much to fix. So we lost it. Thinking we would never get another house of our own, we resigned to just being renters for a long time. We checked it out a few times, only to be told we needed to get credit cards to get our credit score up to where they wanted it. We said no to credit cards and just assumed we would never get in a house. As a realtor, it is a dream to own your own home. That's my job and when I was helping others buy a home, I felt a little hole inside my heart because I knew I couldn't. It hurt. But that's why I went into real estate, one, I love and have a passion for houses and helping people buy a home. Two, I didn't want someone else to go through what we went through with our first house.

2. I was driving down the road and thought I saw someone I know. Someone that I thought was a friend, but they showed their true colors and caused me a lot of sadness and hurt. I haven't seen or heard from this person since this all went down about 6 months ago, nor do I care to. We moved on and they have moved on and that is fine. I don't wish them ill will or anything, but I don't want to hang out either. My stomach did flips when I saw their car, but after getting a little closer, I found out it wasn't that particular person. I was relieved, and felt a little silly that the thought of seeing this person would cause me such anxiety. Being an introvert, it is hard enough to trust people to get to know me, the real me, and become friends with someone. But, when someone hurts me, I become a mute and hide in my shell. Building up the wall, adding another layer of bricks to try to make it inpenetrable. I forgive, but it is hard to forget when someone hurts you. So, I try to just avoid these people and move on.

3. My son just got his schedule set up for 9th grade. When did this happen?? When did he become a young adult? It seems to have happened right before my eyes and I just didn't pay attention. He is going to turn 14 in May. It doesn't seem like that much time has passed. In four years, my son will be graduating high school and going to college. I am thankful that I have such a wonderful son. God gave me this great kid to raise. He is doing marching band this summer, which Shane and I are very excited about. When he was very young, we decided to let him make his own decisions about extracurricular activities. He could try whatever sport or activity he wanted and make his own decisions about it. He played baseball, basketball, football, karate, but he never fond his competitive side. He loves art and music. He has always like music, but the last few years, he has found his musical side. He came home in 5th grade and announced that he was going to join band, which surprised us, because he was vehemently against band previously. But he starting playing the tuba and enjoyed it and is pretty good at it. He is talented in art as well and I love to see his art when he is done with it and brings it to me. His art teachers have always said he has a natural talent in art. His band teachers have told us he has a natural ability in music as well. I couldn't be more excited about this. I think it is wonderful that he has found his niche. I think he will enjoy marching band a lot, just like Shane and I did. He has decided to go to school to be an archaeologist or a biblical historian. I am so proud.

4. We have been going to College Park Church since September. We love the pastor, we love the sermons, we love the environment there. I hope that this fall, Cameron can get involved in the youth program. He is introverted, like me, and has a hard time getting involved in things. He gets so nervous before, but once he gets into it, he loves it. I just have a hard time getting him to go that first time. I was going to join the bells and choir, but if you keep reading, you will understand why that will be hard. We love the music. Eric, the worship leader, is exactly like our old church's worship leaders. They would mix in some contemporary music with hymns and made it enjoyable for all. Eric is like that and we love the music! Sometimes, when a song starts, Shane and I will look at each other and tears will sometimes glisten in our eyes as we remember singing the same song while we were leading worship. We love it there. Pastor Mark is so good at preaching. I love to listen to his sermons.

5. Here's the reason why I am not going to join bells or choir at this point in time. Shane is changing positions at his company. He will be starting March 1. He will be going into sales, and be leaving for the week to travel to different states in his territory and meeting with the dealers. He will be gone Monday through Friday and have the weekends off. I am actually looking forward to this. Not because I want him to be gone, but because the weekends will be free from texts, phone calls, having to run to the office to do work, etc. we will be able to have dinner with my family or his family or with friends without interruption. He is excited as well for the opportunity to get away from the office and not have all the stress from there. He is so stressed right now and it wears him down. So, he will be going on the road to his 11 state territory and Cameron and I will be here. But, when there are breaks from school, we may go with Shane and hang out with him that week. Originally, we thought about homeschooling so we could go with him more, but I think that will not work out after all. I think Cameron needs the time away from me during the day, especially if it just him and I during the week. I am looking forward to moving into our house so there will be yardwork to keep Cam and I busy, and I will have my front porch to sit on and read in the evenings when it warm, the patio in the backyard to sit down and look around. There are flowers to be planted, a raised bed garden to work in, weeds to pull, grass to mow and water, rooms to will be nice to have something to keep us busy! And of course, I will be getting back into my real estate career as well with a new company, so I am very excited to help people buy a home.

So many things changing in our lives. It is a little scary and a lot exciting. I guess 2011 is really the year for the Frye's. New house, new jobs, new church. Very exciting! :)

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