Thursday, May 26, 2011

Yard Work!

It has been a long seven years since I have had to do yard work.
Being allergic to grass kind of makes it difficult to mow and weed whack. But, I love doing it. Even though I end up looking like a giant red bump, I love it.
I used to have beautiful flowers in my flower beds. I haven't had anywhere to show off my flowers in so long I forgot I could even do it! But, this weekend, we are getting our yard ready! We got our sod MOnday and are going to put in a flower bed out front, and down the side of the house. We will be working the back yard as well, making raised beds for a garden, getting our plans for the back put together and then spreading more grass seed on the areas that will be needing grass. Dirt will be brought in by truck and flowers will be planted from the pots I have on my patio. Firepit will be lined up so that we can then put a path to it one of these days. The extension of the patio we will put in later on will be lined out.

While we don't have to mow yet, I do have a bright side. A fourteen year old! He has mowed the last two years for my grandparents and has gotten practice! We are going to get a reel mower (think old school non-powered) and he is going to be mowing for us. Along with some of our neighbors it sounds like.

Anyway, I am super stoked to get busy on making my yard one of the best in Westfield! I may be just a little biased! But I will be sure to post some pictures when it is complete!!

Until then!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. We closed on our house, finally. We moved. We celebrated Resurrection Sunday. All of this all in the same week!

This year at Easter, I was feeling sentimental. Because of our closing, which happened on Good Friday, we didn't get to go to church for Good Friday services. I was alittle disappointed. We have been attending College Park Church for several months now and enjoy it. I really wanted to experience Good Friday and Easter services there. But, alas, it didn't happen. We did go to Easter service and it was awesome! Pastor Mark is so passionate about Jesus! His sermons pack a punch and they bring on a challenge.

While this church is wonderful and we love to go and listen to the sermons and music, I must say that I don't feel like it is our forever church home. I think that God has put us on this path to College Park to rest. We go to church, we listen, we sing, we go home. We have no obligations. We have no jobs to do. We sit and rest. While this has been a nice change, I must say that I feel a pull to go to a smaller church and get involved again. God gives us all gifts to use. Shane and I at this point, have not gotten a chance to use our gifts for many months. When we left our old church, it was difficult, because we had been such a huge part of the worship that we felt let down. Like we had nothing left to give. We wanted to hop right back in and start leading again at a new church. However, that wasn't what God had in store for us. Even at College Park, we tried to jump right in and start leading. We had the opportunity to lead the kids worship and to be in choir and handbells, but it just didn't feel right. It felt all wrong. So we stepped back and are just sitting in worship and enjoying a time of rest.

But, I still feel that pull sometimes to get back to where we were before. I know at this point in time, it isn't going to work with Shane's job, but someday, I hope that God leads us in the right direction to where He wants us to be forever. And perhaps be able to use our gifts.

But through all of thes trials, we have been so blessed with health, happiness, opportunities, friends and family. God is rooting us on and we love Him so much. Thank you Lord for all yoru many blessings!

My Boys!

My Boys!