Sunday, April 17, 2011

Excuse me while I puke.

My stomach turned as I read the Time magazine article. I literally felt like I was going to vomit. I happened upon it and had to read it. With all the controversy that has been going around about this particular person, I felt the need to read this article. Rob Bell. His name brings back memories of Nooma videos that I watched in a small group we were involved in once. The creep factor already had me turned away from it, but then the actual meat of the videos were just weird. They didn't make sense. They were odd. I have never been a fan of Rob Bell, nor will I ever be. I was facebooking and looking at a church facebook page and saw that they liked or followed Mars Hill church. This happens to be the church that Rob Bell "preaches" at. I went to its facebook page and was flipping through its information and happened upon the article. So I was more than a little interested in what Time magazine had to say. Love Wins is Rob Bell's newest book. I have not read this book, I do not expect to read it, I will not waste our hard earned money on garbage. Period. Now, some will say that I am judging a book by its cover, but I have read enough. I have read many quotes from Rob Bell about this book and I have seen the videos about the book. I read this article in Time and am definitely sticking to my guns on not reading this book. I believe in Heaven. I believe in Hell. I believe in Salvation. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died on the cross for me. His blood shed for my sins. I believe that only the people that have been saved by grace will go to heaven. I believe that homosexuality is wrong and that the bible says it quite clearly. I believe that adultery is wrong and that the bible says so very clearly. The ten commandments are not there to look cool on the wall in your living room. They are there for a reason. While we are not without sin, we are forgiven by the blood of Jesus. I believe that the church should be full of praise to Jesus, celebrating His death and resurrection. We should have crosses lined up everywhere around us so to remind us of what He did for us. We should be on our knees at the altar rejoicing that Jesus is there to wrap His loving arms around us when we fall. Now, back to Rob Bell and my disgust for him. I know there are some out there that follow him and love him. They sit every Sunday at his church and listen to him and love it. There are churches out there that follow the gospel according to the prophet Rob Bell. I know there are. There are people that will follow him and judge people like me for not liking him or his blasphemous spewing. I know there are pastors out there that will stick up for him and say things like, "we don't know for sure that he is wrong." "we don't know for sure that there is no hell". I say there is nothing more to explain. Just look at the cross. Just look at Jesus. Read His words. Read the bible. Pray. Open your eyes to Him. In fact, last week, our pastor of the church we have been going to since the fall said if you don't want to hear about Jesus and the Cross, then you don't belong at this church, because that is all we have. All we have is Jesus and the cross. Here is the statement that most bothered me about Rob Bell's interview. When talking about the Minister in Florida or wherever it was that burned the Koran. Rob Bell said he didn't agree with that and that Jesus doesn't either. He said "I am pretty sure that Jesus is p!$$ed off about that." Can you believe that? I couldn't even read it out loud to Shane when I read that. I was so taken aback to his audacity to actually put words to Jesus. And in that way. To say He would be "p!$$ed off". I literally felt the acid burning in my throat. There are so many people out there that are seekers wanting to find out more about God and Jesus and they might happen apon this book since it is getting so much press and then end up reading this garbage and then getting the wrong idea about Christianity and God and Jesus. It makes my heart so sad to think that there might be people that fall for this man's spewing. I feel sorry for the people of his church. He is what I like to call a "warm and fuzzy" preacher. He tells you that you should pat yourself on the back for coming to church and then goes on and on about good qualitites that make you a good person and then sends you on your way. "Good for you for coming to church and giving me your money, now go on and live a good life until next Sunday". No mention of Jesus or the Cross or God. No flowing scriptures. Just a bunch of fluff and that's it. Too many churches are going that direction so as not to offend anyone. PREACH JESUS!!!! IT IS ONLY BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS WE CAN BE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, off my soapbox now. If you have a different opinion, feel free to voice it. I am open to discussion. :) I would love to hear what you have to say.

My Boys!

My Boys!