Wednesday, January 29, 2014

New year, new adventures!

I have been sitting in the house a lot lately due to the winter weather we have been having. I have had a lot of time to sit and think, contemplate, plan and make lists. This is sometimes a good thing, but sometimes it is not.

New Years are always time to plan things out and make goals. I am a list person, so this is my thing I do every year, to just get a feel for where we want to be financially, with our gardening, plans we have for our yard and house, etc. 

I planned our garden for this year. Much bigger, much grander than the last few years. More food to preserve for the winter months. 

I planned our budget for the next few months. Which included how we can put more money in savings. 

I also planned a new adventure for myself. I have been contemplating for about a year how to make some extra cash on the side for Christmas, birthdays, savings, etc. I am getting ready to dive into the world of essential oils for healing and will be a seller of those, but I also have been thinking about making and selling some of my homemade goodies I make. Many people tell me that I should make more of these things and sell them. That is all fine and well and good, but it had no idea how to go about doing so. I have been looking at etsy, as well as farmers markets around here to possibly sell at. I figured at the farmers markets I could sell homemade goodies as well as essential oils. Etsy I believe everything has to be homemade, so selling oils wouldn't work.

I have been praying about it and have decided to step out and go forward with this new adventure and see where it takes me. I enjoy making noodles and vanilla extract, and I may venture into some other homemade items as well. See what may come my way. I may sell a couple things and that is it, or it may take off and turn into a nice little side project. 

I want to make sure I am here to tend to our garden and flowers and our homemade paleo recipes too, so something that I can do here at home is best. I need to have time to get all my homemaking chores done and be able to do this in the time I have to spare. 

So anyway, I just thought I would share my newest adventure I am embarking on. I will be posting some stuff on twitter and Facebook about it as I start to get more involved with it too....

Wish me luck!! :)

My Boys!

My Boys!