Wednesday, September 12, 2012

10,000 Reasons

I had the pleasure of hearing Matt Redman's song 10,000 Reasons a few weeks ago in church. I didn't really pay attention to it at the time because it was a new song to me and I was trying to figure it out while we were all singing. Shane fell in love with it and now we have the cd. I sat down and listened to it and it broke me down to my knees so fast I didn't know what was happening. Tears welled up in my eyes and I was praising God. The words are so simple, but the part that gets me every time is the part in the last verse that says:

"And on that day when my strength is failing,
the end draws near and my time has come
soon my soul will sing your praise unending
10,000 years and then forever more."

Brings chills to me to type it. To think that someday, we will get to just be wrapped in light forever praising God. I can't think of anything that sounds more beautiful and wonderful.

It's been a long time since I have felt a part of a church. We go to College Park, and they run about 3800 people a week in services. It's massive. The biggest church we have ever attended. There has been a hesitant nature to get involved there. But, a couple weeks ago I jumped in and volunteered to help change out the bulletin boards for the nursery and sunday school classrooms between the last Sunday and the first Sunday of the month. And help with cutting out flannel board cutouts. Something I can kind of ease into and not have to be up front and center. I ccan just do it on my own time. I am looking forward to starting this at the end of September. This is my way of getting involved, just a little bit. I have been thinking about going through the membership classes, but have been hesitant still, thinking that we aren't meant to be here for the long haul, just a stopover to a new home. But the more we visit other places and come back to CPC, it makes us realize that maybe this is where we belong. Maybe it's time to get in it more and meet some more people. Get into a small group or membership classes. Only time will tell....but I think this is the place we could be calling home for a long while. :)

So, anyway, Matt Redman has a winner with this song, that is for sure. I could listen to it over and over again. Keep on writing beautiful music Matt!

God is so good to us. Thank Him for all you have.

My Boys!

My Boys!