Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lots of craziness going on here lately!

First topic: When organic eating ends up making you a food snob.

If you read my blog a few weeks ago, you will remember me talking about going all natural eating whole foods and not eating processed foods anymore, right?

Well, let me bring you up to speed. :) The process has been a little slower to get everything out of the pantry than I first envisioned, but we are almost there! We have been eating a lot of organic food the last few weeks and I will tell you this. I feel amazingly better when I eat organic all day. And I can tell the most difference when I am out and eat something not organic and end up running home to get the tums! It literally turns my stomach and it just doesn't taste good anymore. Seriously. I am experimenting with new grains I have never eaten before, new sweeteners I never knew existed. I recently made a cheesecake made with organic yogurt (mostly because I needed to use the yogurt) and it turned out okay. It was different, but it tasted fine. I recently bought sucanat. If you don't know what it is, think unrefined organic pure sugar cane juice that is dried or evaporated. It is funny looking, being a brownish color and looking like small little pebbles, but the taste is great! It sweetens like sugar but doesn't cause the highs and lows in your glucose readings like white refined sugar does. It is great.

Something else I find myself liking better is dairy products. I have never been a big milk drinker. I put it on cereal sometimes and pour it out when the cereal is gone. I drink chocolate milk very seldom and have an all around dislike for milk. However, we bought organic skim milk and it tastes totally different! Even Cameron and Shane (my two big milk drinkers) have noticed a difference in taste when they drink milk at my parents' house (kroger skim) vs. our organic milk. i actually don't mind drinking a little bit of it. Milk has a chemical taste to me. Not sure why, but it does. Now the organic milk tastes pure and doesn't have that weird chemical taste to it.

This has inevitably made us all food snobs. We talk in "organic talk" and people automatically think we are loaded with money because we shop at the whole foods market. Let me tell you, not rich. Not even close. But eating organically is a lifestyle change and by doing so, we have reduced the amount of restaurant visits, which equals out to make up the difference in price to eat organically. So if it makes me a food snob that I will only drink organic milk, then food snob it is. :)

So, all is going well on the eating better homefront and we all three feel better and have noticed a little change in the scales. :)

Next topic: The Creation Museum.

Oh my goodness! What a wonderful God filled place for people to go and experience the truth! It was wonderful seeing the creation story brought to life and the differences in what man says vs what God says about creation, life and things around us. It really rekindled a fire in me that has been a little bit dimmer the last year or so. After things at our previous church went awry, and we felt led to leave the church to find a new home, things have kind of fizzled for me. I wanted to be involved again like we were before, then I felt scared to put myself out there again, scared of being rejected and pushed aside, which is how we felt before. So we have gone to a big church just to be hidden with no obligations, and be just a number. I have been feeling led to move on from there and find a new home with a smaller family that we can be a part of. But this whole time away from where we were before has felt like the time between Malachi and Matthew. There was a 400 year period of time where it seemed God was silent. Then came Jesus. I have felt like God has let us just be for a while and was quietly waiting for the right time for us to move on from this period of rest. Yesterday and today have relit that fire and now I am ready to move from this quiet time and burst through screaming His name wherever I go!!

I sit a lot of times in the quiet and feel God all around me. Holding me up, holding my hand, pushing me along when I don't want to go forward. His words flow over me like water when I open my bible to read. I sometimes close my eyes and try to think about what it was like so many years ago for Abraham, Joeseph, Moses, Joshua, King David, Jonah, Noah, the Disciples, Jesus and of course to be there when Mary was carrying our Lord. To put myself in that time and think how different life was then. To see what they saw, to feel what they felt. It amazes me.To be there when Moses parted the sea, when David took down Goliath, when Mary and Joeseph went to Bethlehem, when Jesus rose Lazarus from the dead, the crucifixion and resurrection. Wow!!

Next topic: Cameron starts driver's ed. EEK!

Yeah, I know. I am thinking exactly what you are thinking. Is he really old enough to be driving?!?! The answer is yes. He is. I look at him sometimes and see my little 3 year old running up to me with veggietales pajamas and teddy bear in hand wanting to play school. But in reality, my baby boy is getting older by the day and in just 3 short years, will be graduating high school and starting his adult life. Yikes! Doesn't seem like it has been 15 years. I am so very proud of the man he is growing up to be. I couldn't be more happy with who he is becoming. And I am looking forward to seeing this driving thing come to fruition. :) (mostly because I don't care to drive and he can drive and I can start to become Miss Daisy sitting in the back or passenger seat!)

So that's the craziness that is my life going on this summer. July will quickly coming to an end soon and August and the beginning of another school year will be creeping up before we know it. I am looking forward to adding another school to my subbing list. I go this coming week to discuss with them and tour the school! Yay! That's 3 schools to sub at. Between subbing and keeping our family eating organically and healthy, I am one busy chick! And I wouldn't have it any other way. ;)

Until next time....

My Boys!

My Boys!