Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Opportunities.

Shane and I made a decision a while back to take on leading Sunday School worship. At the time, it seemed like a great idea, but the amount of work didn't after we got into it. So we politely withdrew ourselves from that.

Tuesday, I start handbells. Oh how I have missed playing bells. I was the director of the bells at our old church and loved it so much, but I missed actually playing. Directing is okay, but playing is so much more fun to me. Shane used to play bells too, but he isn't going to be involved this time. I decided I can do this by myself and put myself out there. I usually am behind in the shadow of Shane when we get involved in things, and that is perfectly fine with me. But he doesn't have the time to do anything right now, so it is just me, by myself.

I can honestly say there is a little bit of fear inside me as I think of going to this huge church by myself on Tuesday nights and spending time with these people whom I have never met. I know it will be fine and I will probably make some nice friends, but the first time will be hard for me.

We have both talked about getting involved with the choir as well, but I don't know that Shane will be able to do that either with his schedule and the possibilities of his job changing sometime soon. So I am on my own again. Not sure if I want to get that involved right now, I think I may start small, going to bells and doing that for the Easter season, then see where we are at and go from there.

I can't wait for bells on Tuesday, but I can. I am very nervous but excited. We never know what the future will hold....we just go with it and see what God is going to do!!

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