Monday, October 25, 2010


So we went back to College Park Church yesterday with my in laws. It was awesome. The music was awesome. Not just awesome, but throw your hands in the air and praise Jesus kind of awesome. The sermon was about divorce and it was awesome too! He talked about sexual immorality is the basis of most divorces and that our culture leads you to believe that it is okay to have affairs and be sexually immoral. He basically said that sexual immorality and television shows like "Modern Family" are what is tearing this country's morals apart and tearing the Christian nation down. Strong words. Powerful. He was very passionate about what he was saying.

I feel like Pastor Mark brought up a good point yesterday. "Same ex" marriage goes against all things God intended Marriage to be. In the bible it states, one man, one woman, they become one flesh. God is the basis of marriage. If you put two women or two men together, it takes God out of the marriage and it is no longer moral.

I don't agree with the gay lifestyle. I never claimed to be okay with it. I am very offended by it being spread all over everything in our culture. As a Christian, I feel like it is so biased. The gays can sit and berate Christians and call us intolerant, biased, homophobic, hypocrits, etc. and somehow that's okay, but as soon as we open our mouths it's a whole other ballgame. It's sad really, when you think about much the gay movement has deteriorated our culture and country. It used to be different, now, the gays are falling over each other coming out of the closet, but before, it was very faux pas to be gay and frowned upon. I just don't understand it. It just seems like it is shoved in our faces on tv so much and I find it offensive. Ugh.

As always, these are just my opinions, not trying to offend anyone, but using my blog for my soapbox.

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