Monday, October 18, 2010

Be Glorified.

We went to my in laws church yesterday, College Park Church. We have visited with them a couple times many years ago, and didn't really care for it that much because it is such a huge church.

Yesterday, the worship leader, a guy named Eric Anderson, did a song called Be Glorified. I don't have the words to it, but it was awesome! Shane and I both had chills and couldn't sing for being choked up! They had full orchestra and full choir and it was so powerful! We loved it! The words of the song and another song they did with dancers on stage were wonderful! I loved the worship service so much! I felt the Holy Spirit flow through there and it was great.

What made it even more grand was that we were there with family. Shane's family has been trying to get us to come to College Park to visit for years. We were reluctant to come at all since it was big and we had had our own experience with big churches. But yesterday, we went and it was nice to sit with family and visit with them after church, since we don't see them as often as we see my family.

So, we may very well visit with them at their church again sometime, maybe at Christmas time when they have full choir and orchestra and cantatas, which is the type of thing I love about church at that time of year. The music, the decorations, the birth of Christ.


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