Monday, March 18, 2013

How does your garden grow?

Spring is almost here! Finally!

In two weeks, Cameron and Shane are both going to be home all week. Spring break this year is going to be a staycation. We are going to be tilling up our backyard and getting some good planter's dirt mixed in and getting our garden ready for planting. It isn't impossible to homestead on a subdivision lot! It may be on a smaller scale than some, but we get by and have plenty of food from our garden. The last two years since moving into our home, we have had raised garden boxes with a few rows of garden and one full of strawberries. We are literally tilling up a large square of our backyard this year. Fortunately, our HOA doesn't have any rules against having a garden, as long as it is kept up with and  doesn't become unsightly. Yay!

I have a made a diagram and know exactly what will be planted. I am planning on planting potatoes the week of spring break, and possibly peas. Then a few weeks later I will plant the rest of our garden.

Gardening is something I have enjoyed doing. I enjoy planting flowers, trees, shrubs, seeds, anything. I even bought blueberry bushes and black raspberry bushes to have fruit. We have a small grape arbor and I am planning on planting two apple trees, three if I can make it fit in the space I have.

So, if you live on a small lot, you can still garden. Make sure it is okay if there is an HOA to contend with, but it is possible. If you don't want to have your backyard tilled under, then make a couple of raised beds and plant something small, like lettuce if you love salad, or herbs if you like to add flavor to your food. Little plants like lots of sun and water! And if you prefer to keep your garden free of pesticides, use vinegar to spray weeds as they come up. It will wilt them and they will die.
with spring coming up quick, it is time to start planning!!
Happy gardening!

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