Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Coffee creamer and pancake topping all in one?

Have you ever seen the commercial where the lady is ordering a piece of pie and the waitress asks if they want oil or cream? This cracks me up every time I see it. It cracks me up because it isn't actually cream that makes that brand of whipped topping. Well, I should say it has some cream in it. But it also has a whole chemistry assignment added in.

Have you ever made homemade whipped cream? It literally takes a few minutes and two ingredients. It stores well and is so much better tasting than that stuff in the can or plastic tub.

I used to buy the spray can of whipped topping or the tub of cool whip to put on pie or use in recipes calling for it. It wasn't until recently that I remembered how easy it is to make homemade whipped cream. So I got some cream and did it. Just like that. Now my boys won't eat anything but homemade. In fact, I have to keep it on hand for them to use in their coffe instead of powdered creamer and sugar. We use it in place of syrup on pancakes or waffles sometimes too.

So easy, did I mention that? Here's how to do it.

1 pint or quart of heavy whipping cream. (I use organic hormone free cream)
Powdered sugar. (I will post one of these days on how to make your own powdered sugar if you really want to go old school and homemade. Otherwise, I use organic powdered sugar.)

Pour cream into mixer. You can use hand mixer if you don't have the big mixer. Add a couple tablespoons of sugar depending on how sweet you want it. Turn on mixer (if you have the kitchen aid brand mixer, use the whisk attachment) and wait until the cream starts to thicken up and makes stiff peaks. Turn off mixer, put it in whatever container you please and refrigerate. I put half in the refrigerator and half in a container in the freezer for later use. It stores well and freezes fine for me.

Starting small with one thing at a time is an easier way to make a switch to more homemade and organic real food. And who doesn't like a creamy coffee in the morning? Have I mentioned what kind of chemicals are in those powdered creamers? Until next time.....

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