Tuesday, May 5, 2009


It's Tuesday, and my mind is overflowing with random thoughts. So, I thought I wouls share some.

1. Why does it seem like everyone is now gay? I have seen so many stories about gay marriage, this person coming out, that person coming out, celebrities coming out and then leaving their spouses. I remember a time when being gay was some horrible thing and if you were one that chose to be, it was so faux pas that you never said anything. Now, everyone is jumping on the gay bandwagon, so to speak. I'm sorry, I am probably offending a bunch of people, but it is my opinion. Prime example: Ray Boltz. For those of you that do not know who I am referring to, please google him and you will see that he is a famous Christian Singer/Songwriter from Indiana. One of his most famous songs is "Thank You" as well as "Watch the Lamb". Beautifully written songs, as I became a Christian in HS, a couple of his songs were my staple music for a while. I was randomly scanning the internet one day a while back and came across Ray Boltz in the media as being gay. I was like "what the chicken?!?!" As I read on, it said he had battled this for many years. Now Ray was married for many years has children with this woman, but is now separated and living a gay lifestyle. WHAT?!?!? How does this happen? Maybe someone can explain this to me....

2. The media. I don't watch a lot of TV. I watch approximately 3 tv shows, one of which isn't on the channels I have, so I watch 2 TV shows. One is Dealiest Catch on Discovery, the other is Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern on travel channel. Otherwise, whatever is on TV is on there because of one of my boys. I loathe Spongebob, anything on ESPN, and Cartoon Network. I have watched ICarly and 6teen, and Total Drama Island, but I don't by any means think that these shows are worth my time to watch on a regular basis. I will watch the Colts play when it is their season only for the benfit of my husband, who must watch them every week religiously. Now, on to my point. I have chosen to turn my TV off during the day and try to not have it on for the noise while I am home alone, simply for the fact that there are so many disgusting things that grace the TV on commercials, I can't bear to watch them anymore. Prime example: Quizno's Toasty Torpedos. There is a version of this commercial that was on, (not sure if it still is or not) that had a guy talking to a toaster oven thing. Something along the lines of "I want you to stick it in me" "No last time it hurt" ....so on and so on....you get the drift. Anyway, I was so taken aback at the audacity of what the meaning of what they were saying and the way it could be misconstrued into a pluthera of perverted comments, I had to turn it off. It literally disgusted me. So I now turn off the TV during the day and do not watch it unless I happen to sit down while Cameron is watching it, or Shane is watching it. I do on Tuesday nights, watch my 2 shows, and that is it. I now have my music on during the day and enjoy singing along to my favorites.

3. Now I KNOW I am going to really make some people mad when I say this next one, but in all honesty...I have never cared what people think of what I say, so here I go. When exactly did the United States become so anti-Christian? I have watched this whole thing with Miss California and the gay marriage debacle. I am sorry, I am a Christian and a Jesus follower and I am darn proud to say that. Jesus is my Lord and Saviour and wihtout Him, I am nothing. I am so tired of hearing people dog and bash Christians because of our beliefs. We can't voice our opinion without someone calling us haters, bible thumpers, ignorant, etc..the list goes on and on. Poor Miss california gets called everything from ignorant to stupid to a hypocrite. All she did was say she didn't believe in gay marriage. Gasp and shock!! Oh no the world will crumble into a pile of rubble because she said she didnt' belive in gay marriage on TV!! What will we do?? I have never seen such a fit thrown about anything on TV like they threw about this situation. Again, why can they have their opinions and say them aloud for everyone to hear, but we as Christians cannot?

Okay, you can relax now, I am done throwing my opinion in the ring for people to scrutinize over. I do however, think that us Christians are up against a country full of Satan. So many people out there are unchurched and unsaved, lost, full of hate and are empty. We need to pray and keep the faith. Keep standing up for your beliefs, even when the other people tear you down and call you names, or say mean things to you. Remember Paul, and how he went on in his ministry being stoned, called horrible things, even at the end, being beheaded. He went on to spread the good word to a lot of people! We all can take a lesson from him.

Blessings to you all,
Love in Christ.

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