Wednesday, April 22, 2009

random thoughts

So, why is it that everytime you have something major going on, it seems like someone gets sick, or gets hurt, or something happens which impedes their part in helping with whatever major thing you have going on?

We are moving in 3 days....yes 3 days. We get the keys on friday and I fully plan on making a couple trips, taking food over and getting it put away friday night. Then on Saturday is the bulk of everything else. Beds, dressers, tv's, etc...

Cameron's allergies have hit full force. Sneezing, sniffling, coughing, sore throat. I don't keep him on allergy meds all year since he only has seasonal allergies. He used to have to take them year round when he had asthma (due to mold in our home) but has since gotten rid of the asthma, as well as the year round allergies (yay!) but still has seasonal. Especially when the mold spores are high in the air. If he starts to show signs of allergies, I have him take an allergy pill at night like I do so we don't forget and usually within a couple days, he is fine. He woke up yesterday with a sore throat and sneezing and stuffy nose. This morning...same thing.

Allergies. When I was a kid, there weren't that many people with allergies. There were the occasional people that had severe allergies, but they were few and far between. You could actually have peanut butter sandwiches with your chili at school and not have to set aside a special peanut free table! I had to take allergy medicine when I was a kid because of my grass allergy. I would sneeze uncontrollably until the point of passing out when grass was being mowed, or flying through the air because of neighbors mowing, etc. I took a medicine called Seldane, which I don't think they even make anymore! After I had Cameron, that aspect of the grass allergy went away (the sneezing part) but I do have asthmatic signs when the grass is being mowed now. No more sneezing at least. I still can't be in the grass. In fact, I decided that if I had the opportunity, when I own a home, I would opt for the lovely sand yard. No grass, no mowing. Just sand. People take for granted the fact that they can go on a picnic and sit on the ground even on a blanket! I have to find the nearest picnic table and hope that when I get there, someone isn't mowing or hasn't mowed that day. When I was a kid, all my friends would barrel roll down the hills. I had to stand at the bottom and watch. Finally, one day I was tired of always watching, so I decided to roll down the hill and I didn't care what happened. Let me just say, that while the rolling down the hill was great and fun, it was after the fact that wasn't fun. When I get in grass or grass touches me, I get these little red sore bumps on my skin. They are about the size of a pimple. They hurt like mad and they burn like fire, and sometimes they itch. Well, my little adventure caused me to have little red, firelike, itchy grass bumps all over my body. Needless to say, I didn't venture down a hill that way ever again.

So, next time you are lazily sitting in the grass enjoying the spring or summer weather, or having a blanket picnic outside on the grass, mowing your lawn, or even rolling down a hill with your kids, remember to enjoy it and not take it for granted. Some people would love to have the oppotunity to not have to sit on cardboard or picnic tables, and not have to bundle up like it's winter time to mow. :) I'm still convinced that I should be living in florida or hawaii where there isn't much grass. Then I could go outside and sit in my yard too...

Moving day is Saturday, I hope Cameron feels better. With the allergy meds, I have a feeling he will be doing just fine. If not, I will call the doctor and get him in...

Off to daycare to cook today! I really enjoy being Angelo. If he quit today, I would gladly take his place. I love it there.

Okay, off I go...

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