Saturday, October 16, 2010


So, today's post is not about a song, but about life in general.
We sat for four hours yesterday at St. Vincent ER in Carmel with Shane. I was at my MIL's house doing bible study when he called and said he was going to the ER for his chest pains that was radiating into his left shoulder. So I didn't really get a chance to fully grasp what Beth Moore was saying in the bible study lesson because I was worried about Shane. When I got to the hospital, I was floored. He was laying in a gown, oxygen on, IV going, EKG patches were hooked up, he had just gotten back from a CT scan. I was freaking out! But, after it was all over, Doc came in and said everything was clear, no heart issues, no blood clots in the lung, no tumors or anything, blood work was fine, he just had a nasty case of pleurisy.

Now, pleurisy, if you don't know anything about it, is like rug burn of the lung. If not treated or if you don't breathe deeply, can turn into pneumonia. I had a nasty case of it right after I had Cameron and it was awful! Mine wasn't in my left side though, mine was more in my back.

So, anyway, he is resting all weekend, deep breathing every hour and half hour, taking anti inflammatory meds. It is hard for him because he does not have a high pain tolerance at all, so they give him pain meds....ugh.

So, our adventure yesterday had a much better outcome than I expected and all it is is lung rug burn. :)

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