Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Going Public!

Wow...I put my website on facebook to let someone know about my blog and now I have all kinds of people trafficing here! Yay!

I always had a private blog and only let a few people read it, but I decided that since I am doing the song of the day theme, why not go public?


If have read my blog for the first time today, welcome! These are my thoughts, mostly songs I enjoy. If you ever have a question about something I have written, feel free to ask me, I don't bite. I will always tell you the truth, even if the truth hurts. :)

I am a quirky and unique girl and once you get to know me, the real me....you will either love me or hate me, and I am okay with that. I won't change to please people and I won't be someone I'm not.

With that being said, enjoy reading. I enjoy writing and will continue to do so!

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My Boys!