Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Still, Small Voice...

December is an exciting time of year for most people. Christmas comes, winter starts, snow starts falling, the approach of the new year.

December can be a time of ending, or new beginnings.

In this year's time, there have been tears, heartache and pain. But also new beginnings, happiness and a start of something new. It was like we spent the last year with God having a quiet phase, just like He did between Malachi and Matthew. God was quiet for about 400 years. Then came Jesus. Sometimes, God is quiet in our lives. Sometimes, He lets us have a quiet period of just being still and listening for that still, small voice in our lives.

Well, december comes and goes, but some things stay the same. My God is still here with me, even if it feels like He is far away. I have learned over the last year that He is always present. No matter what we are going through, no matter how quiet He may be, no matter whether we can hear that still small voice or not, HE is here and I am not alone. I am looking forward to the next year and seeing what many things God has in store for us at College Park, in our lives and the lives around us.

Thank you God for all the many wonderful blessings in my life. I am so undeserving.

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